There are currently 24536 records on the database You searched for: surname=Kelly; forename=James Hodges;Your search found 2 records.Kelly, James Hodges (Fireman) RS2 No.498787. Born: 1887-10-01, Belfast, Co. Antrim, Ireland Photo: f4 Voyages: 1921-07-28 Bayano ON 141870 of Glasgow (Elders & Fyffes) Print full record details (pdf) Print short record Kelly, James Hodges (Fireman) RS2 No.403891. Born: 1887-10-01, Belfast, Co. Antrim, Ireland Photo: f4 Notes: found drowned at Hamburg ex Ramore Head 99114 Voyages: 1919-04-11 Delaware ON 102775 of London (Anglo-American Oil) 1920-07-16 Carpentaria ON 120471 of Glasgow (British India SN Co) 1920-12-21 San Gil ON 144225 of Glasgow (United Fruit Co) 1921-06-09 Suwane ON 95496 of London (Anglo-American Oil) 1921-09-03 Nasmyth ON 140619 of Liverpool (Lamport & Holt) Print full record details (pdf) Print short record You may also want to consider searching for the following similar surnames which are on the database: Kiely Keeley Kyle Kealey Kelley Killalea Kielly Kaly Card copies can be ordered from Southampton Archives Service. See the Ordering copies page for details. |