There are currently 24536 records on the database You searched for: surname=Gall;Your search found 3 records.Gall, John William (Able seaman) RS2 No.316894. Born: 1893-07-07, Dublin, Co. Dublin, Ireland Disch A No: 919551 Photo: f4 8slot Voyages: 1920-05-01 Forst ON 143366 of London (Ship Con (Dodd,G)) 1920-10-01 Carrigan Head ON 113508 of Belfast (Heyn, G) 1921-07-01 Beckenham ON 114711 of London (Watts,Watts & Co) 1921-10-01 Brynymor ON 143974 of swansea (Letricheux & David) Print full record details (pdf) Print short record Gall, Thomas (Fireman) RS2 No.394909. Born: 1891-10-10, Dublin, Co. Dublin, Ireland Disch A No: 875447 Photo: f5 Next of Kin: Mrs T Gale, 53 Clifton Street, Cardiff Notes: Cancelled, Renewal No:481303 10/12/20 Voyages: 1919-03-17 Baron Kelvin ON 124349 of Ardrossan (Hogarth, H & Sons) 1919-04-04 War Sirocco ON 142738 (Brit Govt) 1919-07-27 War Weasel ON 143349 (Brit Gov) 1919-10-15 Mecklenburg ON 125495 of Leith (Currie, J & Son) 1920-02-09 Franktor ON 140564 of Liverpool (MacVicar, Marshall) 1920-04-21 Baymano ON 132614 of London (Bay SS Co) 1920-04-29 Wolfram ON 143109 of London (Ship Con (P Henderson) ex ger) Print full record details (pdf) Print short record Gall, Thomas (Fireman & Trimmer) RS2 No.481303. Born: 1891-10-10, Dublin, Co. Dublin, Ireland Disch A No: 875447 Photo: f5 Notes: Renewal, Cancelled No:394909 10/12/20 Voyages: 1920-11-30 Darro ON 132026 of Belfast (Royal Mail SP Co) 1921-02-25 Newtonia ON 143566 1921-07-22 Reading ON 136968 of Cardiff (Cory, J & Sons) Print full record details (pdf) Print short record You may also want to consider searching for the following similar surnames which are on the database: Gill Galway Gailey Gaul Gaule Gyle Gilley Galwell Gahill Galloway Galley Card copies can be ordered from Southampton Archives Service. See the Ordering copies page for details. |